Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Vive Le Roi: the Case for A French Monarchy

They built it!

France has a problem or rather, France has all the problems, nothing is working in that country. Whereas in all of the major European powers like Great Britain and Germany the unemployment rate is falling and their economic growing even at an anemic pace, in France the unemployment rate just went up and the economy is contracting. The government seems powerless and its fickle policies unhelpful. There is a sense, manifested in all areas of French society that things are not going well and that there is nothing that can be done to save France for what is assumed to be a sure doom. This malaise has entrenched itself ever since the elections of 2012, when soon after electing  Francois Hollande on the hope and change platform, the people realized that they had been sold lies and and that hope and change really meant very fast pace in changing government and policies. As  a result France has faltered. There is one way to restore it, it is very unorthodox but at this point in time isn't unorthodox what France needs when everything has been tried and failed, except for the Front National, which would result in such catastrophe that it shouldn't even be pondered upon as a solution.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

The New Civil Rights Movement

February winds down and the end of another black history month is upon us. This last week of this month also marks the third anniversary of the still controversial, still discussed and very unjust death of Trayvon Martin. Three years later and the United States are still talking about the death of an unarmed 17 years old and the verdict that cleared his murderer and still allows him to walk free in the nation that holds as creed that all men are created equal. The two are very connected with the new civil rights movement.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Prince Muqrin's Name is Pretty Cool

Crown Prince Muqrin bin Abdulaziz
That's basically all I have got concerning the recent death of king Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. He was of immense age and was succeeded by his 79 years old brother, king Salman, which is also a cooler name than Abadullah.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

On MLK Day, Despair and Hope

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr. is arguably one of the most loved and respected historical figures, his impact on American history is unparalleled and unrivaled. It is easy to forget that before Dr. King started his fight, black people in the United States were considered and were treated as second class citizens. It was codified in the laws and an entire segment of the population was treated very badly in a country whose creed claimed to be that all men were created equal.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Charlie Hebdo

(Je commence par m’ excuser, parce que mon français n’est pas a la hauteur, mais je pense qu’il est important que mes lecteurs français puisse lire mes pensées infiltrées. Je n’ai pas ecrit en Français il y a longtemps, je demande pardons des mes fautes aussi grammaticales que stylistiques. Merci beaucoup.)
Hier, une tragédie c’est abattue sur le 11ème arrondissement de Paris, un acte de terrorisme et d’attaque sur la liberté d’expression et de religion. La rédaction de Charlie Hebdo, le magazine humoriste et satirique dont les dessins profanes faisait rire et penser, a été décimée dans un acte lâche. Mes condoléances aux familles qui ont perdu des pères, des frères, des soeurs et des enfants.  Le monde entier est avec vous dans votre douleur et chérit leur sacrifice pour la liberté d’expression.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Syriza, Greece and Europe

It has been a hot debate in the corridors of power in Brussels, Berlin, Paris, London and the whole European Union. Will Greece remain in or get out of the Eurozone? Recent events in Greece have brought this improbable question to the forefront of the political discussion.