Wednesday, October 2, 2013

What is wrong with this picture?

The house republicans posted this picture in an attempt to show that they were willing to negotiate with the democrats on passing a Resolution to this government shutdown and that the democrats were unwilling as represented by the empty chairs. It's a ridiculous piece of theater, considering the fact that they democrats have asked for conference many times in the previous weeks, and were given no as answers. Now with the government shut down and the GOP realizing it was a bad strategic move (really, John Boehner was afraid to lose his speakership) they are asking for the same conferences they denied the democrats.

But that is not what this is really about, this is about what this picture represents. Nancy Pelosi asked in her tweet back, where are the women? To this I will also add were are the minorities? This picture represent everything that is wrong in the GOP, the leadership of the whole party is in the hands of white elderly men, there is currently only one woman committee chairman in the house, and even she was appointed after there was a backlash that all committee chairmen in the GOP controlled congress were men. There are also no minorities, ever heard of African Americans, Asians or Latinos? The GOP leadership apparently hasn't. Is it a wonder that the GOP is seen by as a party of angry white men? Should we be surprised when they want to pass laws to restrict women's right to choose, cut welfare, and pass voter ID laws. In a party that still behaves as if we are in the 50s and the only rational voice is that of the white male, can we be really surprised? How is their supposed approach to women and minorities going to work if they are unwilling to represent them at the top of the party? Can anyone expect any real changes in their attitude to women and minorities if all they are doing is paying lip service and not showing actions?

Hopefully with the women and minority vote growing every electoral season, the GOP will wake up and catch up to the past 50 years. That picture left a sour taste in my mouth. It is time for the GOP to have its leadership represent the country the so claim to understand, a diverse and vibrant country not the clubhouse of the 1950s.

For the record here is the top democratic leadership in the House:

1. Nancy Pelosi, a Puerto Rican woman
2. Stern Hoyer, a Caucasian man
3. James Clyburn, an African American man
5. Xavier Bercerra, a latino Mexican American

The chairwoman of the DNC is Congresswoman Debbi Wassleman-Schultz.

(The democrats still have plenty of white male and few women but their record is better and more balanced that the GOP.)

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